2018 State Standard of Excellence

6. Evaluation Leadership

Did the governor’s office or any state agency have a senior staff member(s) with the authority, staff, and budget to evaluate its major programs and inform policy decisions affecting them? (Example: chief evaluation officer)

Why is this important?
Evaluation leadership positions are an important tool for state governments to ensure that evidence of what works is a primary consideration when making programmatic and budget decisions.

Leading Example

Colorado Outline



Colorado’s lieutenant governor serves as the state’s chief operating officer and is responsible for working with agencies on the state’s performance management, process improvement, accountability and transparency. In compliance with Colorado’s State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive and Transparent Government (SMART) Act, the lieutenant governor oversees the Governor’s Dashboard with the goal of improving services for residents. The lieutenant governor’s office also spearheaded the launch of the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab, which is helping departments evaluate their programs.

Promising Examples


Single agency

The undersecretary of the California Department of Health and Human Services oversees the Office of Statewide Planning and Development, which has the authority, staff, and budget to evaluate the department’s agencies and programs.